Monday, January 5, 2009

Greek and/or Hebrew Study Group

Back in May 2008 I posted a blog inquiring if anyone would like to get together and learn either Greek or Hebrew. The idea sprang from my desire to learn to read the Bible in its original written language (Hebrew-Old Testament; Greek-New Testament). Anyhow, I had purchased some materials some time ago, but am finally getting around to organizing something. Last May, Liz Wolfe, Liz Long, Heather Thomas, Rachel Knecht, and Emmy Lawson expressed an interest in getting together once a week to study. Hopefully each of you are still interested and available to do so. This is not exclusive, so if there is anybody else who is interested, please feel free to join us.
I've decided to meet on Thursdays at 7:30 p.m. at my apartment. I figure a half an hour study session should suffice (considering we all have busy schedules). We will begin this Thursday (I may be the only one here since it is such short notice, but I will be studying regardless). Day and time is subject to change (if Thursdays are bad for everyone we will certainly switch it up).
The following is a list of resources that I have:
--Basics of Biblical Greek (Book)
--Teach Yourself to Read Hebrew (Book and CD Set)
--A Modern Grammar for Classical Hebrew (Book)
--The Interlinear Bible (Hebrew-English/Greek-English)

If anybody has any additional resources, suggestions, or questions, please let me know. I hope to see you at my place come Thursday evenings!


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